Interactions of Nasal Epithelium with Macrophages and Dendritic Cells Variously Alter Urban PM-Induced Inflammation in Healthy, Asthma and COPD

Scientists characterized the immune processes induced by the epithelium after urban particulate matter exposure in special regard to interactions with monocyte-derived dendritic cells and monocyte-derived macrophages in obstructive lung diseases.
[Scientific Reports]
Paplinska-Goryca, M., Misiukiewicz-Stepien, P., Proboszcz, M., Nejman-Gryz, P., Gorska, K., Zajusz-Zubek, E., & Krenke, R. (2021). Interactions of nasal epithelium with macrophages and dendritic cells variously alter urban PM-induced inflammation in healthy, asthma and COPD. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 13259. Cite
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