Nitric Oxide-Targeted Therapy Inhibits Stemness and Increases the Efficacy of Tamoxifen in Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cells

Researchers explored whether targeting nitric oxide in estrogen positive breast cancer cells impacts cancer stem cell subpopulation and sensitivity to hormonal therapy with tamoxifen.
[Laboratory Investigation]
López-Sánchez, L. M., Mena, R., Guil-Luna, S., Mantrana, A., Peñarando, J., Toledano-Fonseca, M., Conde, F., De la Haba-Rodríguez, J. R., Aranda, E., & Rodríguez-Ariza, A. (2020). Nitric oxide-targeted therapy inhibits stemness and increases the efficacy of tamoxifen in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells. Laboratory Investigation, 1–12. Cite