Intratumoral Follicular Regulatory T Cells Curtail Anti-PD-1 Treatment Efficacy

Scientists found that tumor-infiltrating follicular regulatory T cells were prevalent in tumor tissues of several cancer types.
[Nature Immunology]
Eschweiler, S., Clarke, J., Ramírez-Suástegui, C., Panwar, B., Madrigal, A., Chee, S. J., Karydis, I., Woo, E., Alzetani, A., Elsheikh, S., Hanley, C. J., Thomas, G. J., Friedmann, P. S., Sanchez-Elsner, T., Ay, F., Ottensmeier, C. H., & Vijayanand, P. (2021). Intratumoral follicular regulatory T cells curtail anti-PD-1 treatment efficacy. Nature Immunology, 1–12. Cite