DNA Methylation across the Genome in Aged Human Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle-Derived Cells: The Role of HOX Genes and Physical Activity

Using 850K DNA methylation arrays researchers compared the methylomes of young and aged human skeletal muscle and that of young/aged heterogenous muscle-derived human primary cells over several time points of differentiation.
[Scientific Reports]
Turner, D. C., Gorski, P. P., Maasar, M. F., Seaborne, R. A., Baumert, P., Brown, A. D., Kitchen, M. O., Erskine, R. M., Dos-Remedios, I., Voisin, S., Eynon, N., Sultanov, R. I., Borisov, O. V., Larin, A. K., Semenova, E. A., Popov, D. V., Generozov, E. V., Stewart, C. E., Drust, B., … Sharples, A. P. (2020). DNA methylation across the genome in aged human skeletal muscle tissue and muscle-derived cells: the role of HOX genes and physical activity. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 15360. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-72730-z Cite
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