Sulfiredoxin-1 Attenuates Injury and Inflammation in Acute Pancreatitis through the ROS/ER Stress/Cathepsin B Axis

The pancreas was analyzed by histology, immunochemistry staining, and TUNEL assays, and the expression of certain proteins and RNAs, cytokine levels, trypsin activity, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were determined.
[Cell Death & Disease]
He, J., Ma, M., Li, D., Wang, K., Wang, Q., Li, Q., He, H., Zhou, Y., Li, Q., Hou, X., & Yang, L. (2021). Sulfiredoxin-1 attenuates injury and inflammation in acute pancreatitis through the ROS/ER stress/Cathepsin B axis. Cell Death & Disease, 12(7), 1–11. Cite
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