NAD+ Supplement Potentiates Tumor-Killing Function by Rescuing Defective TUB-Mediated NAMPT Transcription in Tumor-Infiltrated T Cells

By performing both whole-genome CRISPR and metabolic inhibitor screens, researchers identified that nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT) was required for T cell activation.
[Cell Reports]
Wang, Y., Wang, F., Wang, L., Qiu, S., Yao, Y., Yan, C., Xiong, X., Chen, X., Ji, Q., Cao, J., Gao, G., Li, D., Zhang, L., Guo, Z., Wang, R., Wang, H., & Fan, G. (2021). NAD+ supplement potentiates tumor-killing function by rescuing defective TUB-mediated NAMPT transcription in tumor-infiltrated T cells. Cell Reports, 36(6). Cite
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