Insulin Signaling Establishes a Developmental Trajectory of Adipose Regulatory T Cells

Using single-cell ATAC-sequencing and paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing to map mouse adipose Treg cells, scientists identified CD73hiST2lo and CD73loST2hi subsets with distinct clonal expansion patterns.
[Nature Immunology]
Li, Y., Lu, Y., Lin, S.-H., Li, N., Han, Y., Huang, Q., Zhao, Y., Xie, F., Guo, Y., Deng, B., Tsun, A., Du, J., Li, D., Sun, J., Shi, G., Zheng, F., Su, X., Duan, S., Zheng, S. G., … Li, B. (2021). Insulin signaling establishes a developmental trajectory of adipose regulatory T cells. Nature Immunology, 1–11. Cite
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