Hyperbaric Oxygen Suppressed Tumor Progression through the Improvement of Tumor Hypoxia and Induction of Tumor Apoptosis in A549-Cell-Transferred Lung Cancer

Reserachers investigated the effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) on solid tumors, such as lung cancer. Non-small cell human lung carcinoma A549-cell-transferred severe combined immunodeficiency mice were selected as an in vivo model to detect the potential mechanism of HBOT in lung tumors.
[Scientific Reports]
Chen, S.-Y., Tsuneyama, K., Yen, M.-H., Lee, J.-T., Chen, J.-L., & Huang, S.-M. (2021). Hyperbaric oxygen suppressed tumor progression through the improvement of tumor hypoxia and induction of tumor apoptosis in A549-cell-transferred lung cancer. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12033. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91454-2 Cite
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