S100A9 in Adult Asthmatic Patients: A Biomarker for Neutrophilic Asthma

Researchers investigated the mechanism by which S100A9 was involved in neutrophil activation, neutrophil extracellular trap-induced airway inflammation, and macrophage polarization in neutrophilic asthma.
[Experimental & Molecular Medicine]
Quoc, Q. L., Choi, Y., Thi Bich, T. C., Yang, E.-M., Shin, Y. S., & Park, H.-S. (2021). S100A9 in adult asthmatic patients: a biomarker for neutrophilic asthma. Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s12276-021-00652-5 Cite
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