A Novel lncRNA TCLlnc1 Promotes Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma Progression through Acting as a Modular Scaffold of HNRNPD and YBX1 Complexes

In this research, a novel lncRNA was identified overexpressed in the main subtypes of peripheral T cell lymphoma, and designated as T cell lymphoma-associated lncRNA1.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Zhao, P., Ji, M.-M., Fang, Y., Li, X., Yi, H.-M., Yan, Z.-X., Cheng, S., Xu, P.-P., Janin, A., Wang, C.-F., Wang, L., & Zhao, W.-L. (2021). A novel lncRNA TCLlnc1 promotes peripheral T cell lymphoma progression through acting as a modular scaffold of HNRNPD and YBX1 complexes. Cell Death & Disease, 12(4), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-021-03594-y Cite
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