Targeted Delivery of Regulatory Macrophages to Lymph Nodes Interferes with T Cell Priming by Preventing the Formation of Stable Immune Synapses

Delivery of regulatory macrophages (Mregs) completely abolished the priming of cognate CD8 cells and strongly reduced delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. Mreg-mediated T cell suppression requires cell-cell contact-regulated nitric oxide production.
[Cell Reports]
Yu, K., Hammerschmidt, S. I., Permanyer, M., Galla, M., Rothe, M., Zheng, X., Werth, K., Martens, R., Lueder, Y., Janssen, A., Friedrichsen, M., Bernhardt, G., & Förster, R. (2021). Targeted delivery of regulatory macrophages to lymph nodes interferes with T cell priming by preventing the formation of stable immune synapses. Cell Reports, 35(12). Cite
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