Essential Role of Smooth Muscle Rac1 in Severe Asthma-Associated Airway Remodelling

Researchers demonstrated that Rac1 is overactive in the airways of patients with severe asthma and is essential for airway smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Dilasser, F., Rose, L., Hassoun, D., Klein, M., Rousselle, M., Brosseau, C., Guignabert, C., Taillé, C., Dombret, M. C., Candia, L. D., Heddebaut, N., Bouchaud, G., Pretolani, M., Magnan, A., Loirand, G., & Sauzeau, V. (2021). Essential role of smooth muscle Rac1 in severe asthma-associated airway remodelling. Thorax. Cite
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