Zeb2/Axin2-Enriched BMSC-Derived Exosomes Promote Post-Stroke Functional Recovery by Enhancing Neurogenesis and Neural Plasticity

After stimulation with Zeb2/Axin2-enriched BMSC exosomes, the spatial memory and nerve function of MCAO rats showed marked recovery. The number of neurons was increased in the subventricular zone, hippocampus, and cortex area, while the expression of nerve growth factors was upregulated.
[Journal of Molecular Neuroscience]
Wei, R., Zhang, L., Hu, W., Shang, X., He, Y., & Zhang, W. (2021). Zeb2/Axin2-Enriched BMSC-Derived Exosomes Promote Post-Stroke Functional Recovery by Enhancing Neurogenesis and Neural Plasticity. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12031-021-01887-7 Cite