Single-Cell Chromatin Accessibility Landscape of Human Umbilical Cord Blood in Trisomy 18 Syndrome

Scientists used the commercial Chromium platform to perform sc-ATAC-seq to measure chromatin accessibility in 11,611 single umbilical cord blood cells derived from one trisomy 18 syndrome patient and one healthy donor.
[Human Genomics]
Qiu, X., Yu, H., Wu, H., Hu, Z., Zhou, J., Lin, H., Xue, W., Cai, W., Chen, J., Yan, Q., Dai, W., Yang, M., Tang, D., & Dai, Y. (2021). Single-cell chromatin accessibility landscape of human umbilical cord blood in trisomy 18 syndrome. Human Genomics, 15(1), 40. Cite
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