MicroRNA-3148 Acts As Molecular Switch Promoting Malignant Transformation and Adipocytic Differentiation of Immortalized Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells via Direct Targeting of the SMAD2/TGFβ Pathway

Scientists investigated the role of miR-3148 in regulating human stromal mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and transformation.
[Cell Death Discovery]
Vishnubalaji, R., Elango, R., Manikandan, M., Siyal, A.-A., Ali, D., Al-Rikabi, A., Hamam, D., Hamam, R., Benabdelkamel, H., Masood, A., Alanazi, I. O., Alfadda, A. A., Alfayez, M., Aldahmash, A., Kassem, M., & Alajez, N. M. (2020). MicroRNA-3148 acts as molecular switch promoting malignant transformation and adipocytic differentiation of immortalized human bone marrow stromal cells via direct targeting of the SMAD2/TGFβ pathway. Cell Death Discovery, 6(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41420-020-00312-z Cite
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