Single-Cell Multi-Omics Analysis of the Immune Response in COVID-19

Scientists highlight the coordinated immune response that contributes to COVID-19 pathogenesis and reveals discrete cellular components that can be targeted for therapy.
[Nature Medicine]
Stephenson, E., Reynolds, G., Botting, R. A., Calero-Nieto, F. J., Morgan, M. D., Tuong, Z. K., Bach, K., Sungnak, W., Worlock, K. B., Yoshida, M., Kumasaka, N., Kania, K., Engelbert, J., Olabi, B., Spegarova, J. S., Wilson, N. K., Mende, N., Jardine, L., Gardner, L. C. S., … Haniffa, M. (2021). Single-cell multi-omics analysis of the immune response in COVID-19. Nature Medicine, 1–13. Cite
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